Career Guidance


from 00:00 to 00:00

Free places:



100 EUR

You may register for the course, if your CV is approved or get additional information: by calling our office on +371 22553335 & by E-mail:

Contact form

Registration confirmed. I have read and agree with the terms of the distance contract. I have read the description and the terms of payment. (Conditions)

I accept, that:

1.1 Based on my consent, SIDC Group will send my personal data to relevant employer, like: email address, name and surname, phone number, data what are in my application, data, what are in to the attached file.
1.2 SIDC Group is processor of regarding to the processing of my personal data. Relevant employer, to whom I accepted to send my personal data, is the personal data controller for my data. I am informed, that employer is processing my personal data in the ways and for the purposes specified by regulatory enactments.
1.3 My personal data, what I sent are available to relevant employer and to SIDC Group employees.
1.4 SIDC Group is saving my application data in SIDC Group data base one year from relevant application from the date of dispatch. The aforementioned deadline results are from the limitation period, when claims can be made for certain damages to my applications.

I have informed that I have the following rights with regard to the processing of my personal data:
1. Request to access my personal data;
2. Request to add, edit or replaced my data;
3. Request, that my data will be deleted and further processing will be canceled;
4. Request, that my data processing will be limited;
5. Lodge complaints with the relevant supervisory authority regarding the processing of my data;
6. Canceled my acceptation to processing my data;
7. Uexercise their right to data portability in accordance with Article 20 of the European Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council.